Saturday, 17 January 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015 - Spring is in the Air

-6 C/ 21 F
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Sunny, Clear and Windy
Cirrus and Mackenzie (not confirmed as yet)
Photos copyright of Bill McCreadie

Despite the cold windy day, Bill took himself off to the Lift Bridge to see what he could see.  Both Cirrus and Mackenzie were very visible. We have not been able to positively identify them as yet this year but we are working on it.

The mating ritual has begun.  Mackenzie seemed to be working on the scrape inside the nest box while Cirrus watched from the corner. I guess he is trying to prove to her that he will be a good provider again.  You can see just the tip of his head and yellow beak in this photo.

There appeared to be something in the area that was upsetting them and both birds took off and climbed until they were just specks in the sky, kakking as they went.  Nothing could be seen with the naked eye.  Several times they took off  towards Burlington in hot pursuit of something that couldn't be seen.

Mackenzie takes off

Mom watched from the cables
Stay tuned, I'm sure we will have lots to report in the days to come.

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