Saturday, 22 March 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014 - Incubation Underway!

-3 C / 27 F
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunny and clear
Cirrus and Mackenzie
Photos copyright of Bill McCreadie 

Although it was only -3C, it sure felt a lot colder.  There was a cold wind from the Bay.   As it was the first full day of spring, we didn’t expect to see the canal full of ice once again.

When we arrived, we could only spot Mackenzie who was hunting from the very top of the Hamilton Hydro Tower.  The migration of Red-winged Blackbirds was continual and he made many dives (I lost count at 8) and was unsuccessful every time.   

All of a sudden Mackenzie started a ruckus and took off after another juvenile Peregrine.  Mackenzie had some very harsh words for the Juvenile.  When the coast was clear he returned to the Hydro Tower.

On our last two visits, there has been a Juvenile in the area.

Mackenzie started ruckus number two, and this time Cirrus emerged from the nest box.  She had been in the nest box the whole time, laying down in her usual back corner not visible from the parking lot.  Mackenzie and Cirrus took off after another Juvenile Peregrine.  The two of them were very aggressive towards it and guided it out of the territory.  There is no way of knowing if this is the same juvenile.  They both returned and Cirrus disappeared inside the nest box and Mackenzie took up his spot on the very top of the Hamilton Hydro Tower.

A short time later, ruckus number three.  This time a beautiful Red-tailed Hawk tried to fly over the canal.  Cirrus was out of the nest box again, and she and Mackenzie were on its tail.  The interesting thing about this is, there was another adult Peregrine in the mix.  All three Peregrines gave chase.  We have no idea where the third bird came from or where it disappeared to.  Cirrus returned to the top of the Burlington Hydro Tower and Mackenzie to the top of the Hamilton Hydro Tower.   It makes me wonder if we have another female in the area looking for a nest site.  Neither Cirrus or Mackenzie attacked this bird, they all worked together to escort the Red-tailed hawk out of town. 

When they were certain that all was clear Cirrus returned to the front corner of the nest box, where Mackenzie joined her and mated with her.  Cirrus then disappeared inside the nest box and Mackenzie returned to the Hydro Tower.


After another attempt by Mackenzie on the Red-winged Blackbirds, he gave up and flew to the bay side of the Skyway Bridge.  We think he landed on the base of one of the light standards.  He was gone for a while and when he returned he went right to the nest box and delivered a small food package to Cirrus.  I guess he had given up on hunting and went to his stash.  Cirrus left the box and went to one of the cable plates (we know them as picnic tables) to eat and Mackenzie took over the nest duties.


My guess is that we will have a hatch on or about April 22nd.  The estimated hatch date last year was April 25th.

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